Bank vs. Online Loans

Getting a business loan used to be a long and complex process. But nowadays, with the advancement in technology and credit score checks at your fingertips, in most cases you can apply for a loan online one day, and receive money in your account the next!

Let’s discuss some of the differences between applying for a Traditional Bank Loan vs. an Online Loan with a broker.

For Bank Loans, you typically have more paperwork to complete and may need to provide excess documentation such as balance sheets and a business plan. Statistically, banks also have a higher percentage of rejection rate of small business loan applications.

With Online Loans, you will typically find the process much easier, with a larger range of suitable finance options available for your business. 

Additionally, most application processes are paperless, and only take a couple of days to process. 

Loan products such as unsecured loans, also allow business owners to receive quick capital, without the need for collateral.

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